Thursday, 2 October 2008


The Gold Seal Project is London's most dedicated music educator. We have been working with all walks of life from all over the City since 2004 and now work in most of the London boroughs in one way or another. This blog is set up for all we encounter to keep a day to day tab on what we do, what we have in the pipeline and want our students and friend to check out and remember too.

From private tuition, through to after school activities, to those who may just want to see what we do, you need to keep a daily track on what we have to say as this will hopefully help you to progress as a musician and also check out what is going on in the city to help develop your art form. Subscribe now and get all of your people behind us as we want to give you the truth and the correct tools and tips to get to where you want to go.

If you are interested in blogging with us drop us a mail and we'll hook you up with an account if we see fit.

In the mean time check out our monthly top 10 player for our top students and music projects currently running and needing ratings.

Catch you real soon

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